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Honors Choir








Even though it's extra work in choir, it's still WAY less work than any "regular" class, let alone an Honors/AP/DC course. Those 5 Added Value points on your GPA aren't free, but if you can commit to learning some extra music, going to some concerts, and writing a couple of papers, it's totally worth it. Don't forget to give your 105% participation too!

Projects / Materials

Get with your choir director and buy your Region music and tracks so you can start practicing! This is the 1st step to getting your credit. The music is amazing this year, so dive right in.

Hopefully, you thought ahead and went to a camp or Midnight Madness. If not, no worries. Arrange a time with your friends to practice together until you're comfortable on your own. Then, sign up for individual times with a choir director.

All-Region Audition

The music this year is excellent and there's never been a better time to jump in and audition for All-Region Choir!


You should be practicing every day. Start in a group, then go solo. Get away from singing with the vocal tracks as fast as possible and focus on singing accurately and musically with just the accompaniment tracks.

Once you're solid, start working with your directors in a 1-on-1 setting to get the best feedback on what you need to work on to be successful.

Some Concert Ideas

This is by no means exhaustive of the local offerings, nor are you restricted to local performances. Use your Google skills to find something you're interested in if nothing here jumps out at you!

Honors Choir Syllabus


Read your syllabus, know your syllabus. This is where you find all the requirements and deadlines. There is no substitute for the syllabus.

Region Resources

Dates and Selections
Voice Lessons

All papers will be submitted through TurnItIn and will be checked for originality. Please don't try to turn in your older sibling's paper. Not only is this not honorable, you will be caught in the split-second it takes the web to highlight the entire paper as copied.

Class ID: 21878936

Join Code: LHHS

Voice Lessons

Voice Lesson

The best thing you can do to improve your voice is to take voice lessons. We cannot encourage this enough. Please take a moment to meet our voice teachers and talk to your director about how to start taking lessons.

In the Spring, you'll learn a piece for Solo and Ensemble, which is like UIL, but on a much smaller scale.


A voice teacher is invaluable to this or any other vocal endeavor. If you're serious about qualifying for the Region Choir and beyond, please seriously consider studying privately with one of our amazing voice teachers.



Each semester of Honors Choir requires that you attend at least 2 professional or semi-professional choral concerts and submit a formally-typed critique of each performance. These must be concerts that you are not performing in. And while that children's choir down front on Sunday is adorable, they won't count for this project either. You may count 1 professional musical per semester.

Plan ahead to have options. Unforeseen things like illness and weather can cancel events at a moment's notice. If that moment is toward the end of the semester, you may find yourself in a bind.




In the Fall Semester, you will compose and submit a research paper focusing on a composer from the prescribed list outlined in the "Honors Requirement" document. Just like your previous assignments, plan ahead, write in formal style, and submit through TurnItIn.

In the Spring Semester, you will purchase a music theory workbook of the appropriate level from the choral department to be completed on your own by the beginning of May. Should you have further interest in music theory or wish to have a tutor, please explore and/or contact Ms. Moss.

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